Sunday, November 8, 2009


Pink Floyd the Wall Live On Stage was so f-ing awesome. It was a Rushmore-esque, jazz-hands interpretation of the mother-blaming, angst-ridden epic. The wall was made of Styrofoam, and got nudged rather than torn down; the Mother lost her voice so silently gestured her part while someone sang her lines backstage. I saw my high school theater exercises incorporated into the choreography. Two "roadies" changed the sets by walking the furniture in front of the actors. Long minutes passed when no one was on stage at all. The school kids did clumsy jazz circles as they sang "Another Brick in the Wall." In other words, it's the best night of musical theatre I've had in a really long time. The only thing about it that wasn't so-bad-it's-good was the band. They totally rocked it, got every note of the album, brought it all to life. That album rocks, the movie doesn;t exactly hold up. But the stage adaptation will live on forever.

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